All tagged Lee and the sweet life

Pink Prosecco & Pistachio Loaf Cake with Pink Prosecco Icing.

Sometimes there isn’t enough time in the day to spend hours making and decorating a cake, but even when the days a rush, there’s always time to make this Pink Prosecco & Pistachio Loaf Cake with Pink Prosecco Icing. This recipe is easy to bake, moist to eat and satisfying enough to make everyone happy. Perfect for any celebration, mothers day or birthday and easy enough for even the children to get involved.

Sausage, Spinach & Green Bean Shakshuka

Sausage, Spinach & Green Bean Shakshuka recipe for Karbon Homes. This is a dish that is so easy to make and so tasty it will soon be one of your family favourites. Packed full of spicy sausage with added spinach and of course a tin of green beans, makes it economical to make too.

Gift - Cookies in a Jar

Gift - Cookies in a Jar recipe. Making these gift jars for family and friends for Christmas , birthday or for any celebration . Choose a flavour that you love and substitute this for the sprinkles in this recipe. Sprinkle sugar cookies are a great present , adding all the ingredients in the jar, writing out the method on a pretty card is bound to make someone smile.

Fresh Cherry Frangipane Tart

An easy recipe to use fresh cherries on this Fresh Cherry Frangipane Tart. Let the super juicy cherries drip down into the warm golden frangipane as the cherry glaze shines on the top. An incredible way to use seasonal cherries .

Blackberry & Lime Custard Tart with Almond Pastry

Making this easy blackberry custard tart isn’t difficult. This blackberry custard recipe is so easy to make and delicious to eat. Cooking with seasonal fruit is the what this tart is about, a perfect tart to have when ever there are blackberries in season. Custards tarts don’t need to be vanilla, especially when they taste this good and are tis easy to bake


This Tiramisu recipe is super easy to make and just as easy to eat. Traditional, authentic tiramisu with Creamy mascarpone, piped creamy top with a thick dusting of cocoa powder over the top. Perfect to double the ingredients and make it a show stopper for a family or friends get together.

Pistachio Cream Filled Biscotti

Pistachio Cream Filled Biscotti recipe, a combination of layers of smooth pistachio cream surrounded by a firm yet crumbly twice baked biscuit. Not too sweet and nothing difficult about making these, which is why they are on my favourite biscuit list. Fancy biscuits that are so tasty.

Lattice Pear & Tinned Peach Pie

Lattice Pear & Tinned Peach Pie recipe

Easy , tasty and so pretty too. Using tinned peaches means this pie can be made even in the winter months. Sweet short crust pasty thats really crumbly tops fresh pears and tinned peaches.

Making a lattice top for a pie is very easy and strangely satisfying. Take a look at the recipe to see exactly how easy it is!

Christmas Mincemeat Meringue Pie

Christmas Mincemeat Meringue Pie recipe. A combination of tangy and juicy fruit with that hint of port, a slightly sweet, soft meringue and then there’s the crumbly pastry. Easy to make and looks very effective sitting on a festive family table

Croatian Potato Salad

Croatian Potato Salad Recipe. Yes, it’s easy and yes it has very few ingredients, but that doesn’t mean that anything is taken away from this Croatian take on a Russian salad.