One Pot Creamed Corn with Red Pepper & Paprika
I love corn and this is a perfect dish for me!
It has one of my favourite ingredients, paprika, along with cream and butter, whats not for me to like?!
Using fresh corn is how i like this best , but i’ve used tinned corn and it works with that too.
The difference between using fresh or canned is the texture at the end of cooking.
Fresh holds a nice bite to it after cooking, the tinned looses that bite, but if thats not a factor to you , use whichever you have.
As i’ve mentioned, paprika is a spice i love to use in as many dishes as i can, and it certainly adds a lot to this dish.
If, like me, you’re a fan, then add more to suit your taste, i know i always do!
Go on, give it a go and enjoy your sweet life!
A perfect side dish
What You Need
8 Ears of Fresh Corn on the Cob – See Tip Box
250ml Double Cream
50g Butter – Cut into Cubes
1 Red Pepper – de-seeded and Chopped into Small Pieces
Salt – To Taste
Pepper – To Taste
1 Tsp Paprika – See Tip Box
Don’t forget to run the knife over the cob to milk it.
How It’s Done
Strip the fresh corn from the cob by standing the corn on its end and cutting off the corn by running a sharp knife down making sure to push the knife against the cob – See tip Box
Into a large shallow pan which has a lid, place the corn, butter, cream, paprika and red pepper.
Put the pan over a medium heat until the butter has melted.
Mix in the butter
Turn the heat up a little and bring the corn mixture to a gentle boil.
Let it boil, giving it a mix periodically, for 5 minutes.
Taste, and add salt and sugar if needed and more paprika if needed to taste.
Reduce the heat, place the lid on the pot and let it simmer slowly for 40 minutes.
The corn is ready when what’s left is a creamy liquid and the corn still has a small bite to it.
Good served hot or cold.
Everything in the pan
Tip Box
Corn- 1) Using fresh corn works best and in my opinion tastes better by holding onto a little bit of crunch after cooking. If you choose to use tinned corn, adjust the cooking time accordingly.
2) When stripping the corn from the cob, make sure to scrap the knife down the husk to capture all of the corn milk.
Paprika – If you like more paprika then add it at the stage of the salt and pepper is added.
Too Thick- If the end result is a little too thick, add some milk to loosen it up a little.
Ready to eat hot or cold.