Baked Blackberry Cheesecake with Chocolate Digestive Biscuit Base
I used the decoration theme of more is, well, more, when it came to adding something to decorate this cheesecake.
I did get a little carried away with the whipped cream and the blackberries, and the gooseberries, but that was just because I had them and didn’t want to waste them!
Do whatever you want to make it look pretty or take the opposite view to mine and leave it to show its natural beauty.
It’s a pretty easy dish to make, and tasted great with or without the berries.
Of course, there is the option of using different berries.
Try blueberries, they are so delicious as a stand-alone berry, added to a deep creamy cheesecake, they are really great!
Go on, give it a go, and enjoy your sweet life!
A little bit over the top on the decoration
What You Need
250g Butter - Melted
350g Chocolate Digestive Biscuits
750g Cream Cheese
215g Castor Sugar
2tsp Vanilla Extract
Zest & Juice of 1 Lemon
2tbsp Plain Flour
4 Large Eggs
300ml Sour Cream
Pinch of salt
2 Punnets Fresh Blackberries
Extra fruit to decorate
Double Cream - Whipped - For decoration
Mix it all up
How It’s Done
Pre-heat the oven to 140c
Grease a 23cm spring form tin
Cut out a circle of non-stick parchment paper and place in the bottom of the tin
Place the biscuits into a food processor and whiz until the biscuits are very fine
Melt the butter and mix with the biscuit crumbs until all of the biscuit crumbs are coated with the butter
Pour the butter crumbs into the prepared tin and using the back of the spoon or the bottom of a flat glass, push down the crumbs until they are
Layer the fresh blackberries on top of the biscuit base and set aside until needed
Place the cream cheese, vanilla, sugar, lemon juice, rind, flour & sour cream into a bowl and mix really well.
Add the eggs and again mix until everything is just mixed together – Don’t over mix
Carefully pour the cheesecake mix over the blackberries and smooth out the surface
Place the cheese cake pan onto a large oven tray and place it into the hot oven
Bake for 75-80minutes until just set around the edges and the centre still has a little wobble.
One baked, turn the oven off, open the door a little – Keep the door ajar
Leave the cheesecake in the oven to cool for 2 hours
After the two hours are up, loosen the edges of the cheesecake by running a thin knife around the edges
Chill in the fridge for 4 hours-or overnight.
To serve, carefully remove the cheesecake from the tin, remove the baking paper from the bottom
Place the cheesecake onto a serving plate and decorate with whipped cream, blackberries and anything else you want to add. – See Tip Box
Lay out a layer of blackberries on top of the biscuits
Tip Box
Decoration – I decorated the top of this cheesecake with blackberries , whipped cream and some gooseberries.
Beautiful blackberry bottom