Sage Yorkshire Pudding
Dripping with gravy or sweet from dollops of jam, no matter how you like your Yorkshire pudding, using SuperNutrio Skimmed milk raises a traditional pudding recipe from flat to airy.
If you don’t want to use a high protein milk, SuperNutrio, then use the one you prefer, even plant based works well with this recipe.
Whichever way you eat yours, hot from the oven, small individual or sliced from one giant pud’, be a plan ahead kind of cook and make enough to last all week, freeze, and bring them out every meal.
Go on, give it a go and enjoy your sweet life!
Risen to perfection
What You Need
200ml SuperNutrio Skimmed Milk
140g Plain Flour
4 Large Eggs
2tsp Dried Sage – See Tip Box
Pinch of Salt
Fresh Black Pepper
Vegetable Oil for Cooking
Add the herbs, eggs and milk.
How It’s Done
Place the flour, pepper, salt and dried sage into a large bowl or jug, and mix it up.
Break the eggs into the flour, pour in the SuperNutrio Skimmed Milk, or the milk of choice, and using a whisk, mix everything together until what’s left is a smooth batter.
Cover the bowl with a clean t-towel and set it aside on a worksurface for no less than 30 minutes – See Tip Box
Before using the batter, give it one more whisk.
While the batter is resting, heat the oven to 200c.
Once the oven is hot, pour 1 tsp of vegetable oil into each section of a muffin tin (more if using larger tins) – See Tip Box
Place the tin into the hot oven and let the oil heat up until almost smoking – See Tip Box
Once really hot, remove from the oven and as quickly as possible, spoon in some of the batter – around 2/3 full.
Make it smooth and let it rest.
Place the tin back into the hot oven and bake for 25-30 minutes until the Sage Yorkshire Puddings have risen, are firm, dry to the touch and a rich brown colour – See Tip Box
Serve straight away, cold or freeze until needed.
In to the very hot oven
Tip Box
Sage – Sage is a great addition to a Yorkshire pudding mix, but change it up a bit and try the flavour of other dried herbs.
Resting Batter – Covering and letting the batter rest for at least 30 minutes gives the gluten a chance to start to work meaning, the Sage Yorkshire Pudding batter has a better chance to rise when it hits the hot oven.
Tin Size – This recipe can be used to make any size of Sage Yorkshire Pudding. Try smaller muffin sized, medium tart sized or make it in a large family sized pudding dish.
Heating Oil – The oil has to be the hottest it can get before pouring in the batter, so be patient.
Cooking – All ovens vary so adjust the cooking time accordingly.
Freeze - Let the yorkshire pudding go cold after cooking, before freezing them
Freeze at this stage.