When I’m not developing recipes for others, writing blogs or cooking for the lovely Mr G, this is wha

Baker & Foodie Content Creator


My name is Lee, welcome to my pages. I hope we can have fun together?

When I’m not developing recipes for others, writing guest blogs, writing my own blog, or even trying to learn how to paint, I’m usually spending time with the amazing Mr G (my husband) or with my lovely daughter or my lovely son (very proud mum).

What is this all about? Great question. This site is about real cooking and baking, real recipes and real mistakes.

No filters here, (although i’d love to find a filter that can take ten years worth of laugh lines away. Just me, whats happening, and whatever cameras or phone i have to hand .

There are many things that get under my bonnet and wiggle around, one of those is food waste. If i buy ingredients specifically for a recipe, and i only need a small amount of the ingredients, i want to be able to use the rest up and not have to throw them away. My mum used to say , “Waste not Want not” is that still a saying ?

For me, waste is not just about using up all the ingredients. What about leftover food? If i’m able , i hope to give ideas as to how to use up any leftovers too.

Be Brave

Cooking isn’t hard , neither is baking, its all about being brave and being ok with making mistakes

Parmesan & Rosemary Gougères with Goats Cheese & Mascarpone Filling

Parmesan & Rosemary Gougères with Goats Cheese & Mascarpone Filling

Parmesan & Rosemary Gougères with Goats Cheese & Mascarpone Filling

Creamy goats cheese and mascarpone filling

Creamy goats cheese and mascarpone filling

Dump all the flour in the melted butter and water - mix until it comes away from the edge

Dump all the flour in the melted butter and water - mix until it comes away from the edge

What You Need

  • 350ml Water

  • 150g Butter- Diced

  • 200g Plain Flour

  • 4 Eggs – Beaten Together

  • 100g of grated parmesan

  • 2tbsp of rosemary- Finely chopped

Cheese & Mascarpone Filling

  • 250g Soft Goats Cheese

  • 150g Mascarpone Cheese

  • Zest from 1 Lime

Give them enough room to rise o the oven

Give them enough room to rise o the oven

How It’s Done

  •  Place the butter into a saucepan and begin to melt it over a medium heat.

  • Once it’s melted, add all of the water, give it a mix and bring it to the boil

  • Take the pan off the heat and dump all of the flour in.

  • Beat it all together until all the liquid has been absorbed by the flour and the mix is a thick ball of dough that comes away from the sides of the pan.

  • Tip the hot dough into the bowl of an electric mixture and let it sit for a while until it’s cool enough that you don’t burn hand when you touch the underside of the bowl. - See Tip Box

  • Beat the mix for a few minutes using a paddle attachment to cool, then start to add the beaten eggs a little at a time. See Tip Box

  • Make sure all of the previous addition of the egg is absorbed before adding more.

  • When it comes to adding the last egg, add it a little at a time just in case less is needed.

  • Beat until the dough is smooth, thick and pipe-able.

  • Add the chopped rosemary and grated parmesan to the mixture and beat it in until its combined -See Tip Box

  • Prepare oven proof trays by covering with non-stick kitchen parchment and marking out where the dough is going to be.

  • Make sure there is around 1 inch between each pastry ball.

  • Heat the oven for at least 15 minutes before placing the trays inside.

  • Pipe or dollop the dough into the prepared trays

  • If there are points on the top, dampen finger and touch the top to flatten the spike a little.

  • Place into the hot oven and bake until golden brown – approx. 15 -20 minutes (all ovens vary so adjust cooking time accordingly) See Tip Box

  • Don’t open the oven to peak.

  • Once cooked, take out of the oven and place onto a cooling rack.

  • Poke a hole in the bottom of each one and place back on to the rack hole side up to cool completely.

  • Once cold, they’re ready to fill.


  • Mix all of the ingredients for the filling together until really smooth

  • Fill a piping bag with the filling and pipe it into the hole made in the bottom of the puff


Stack them high for everyone to share

Stack them high for everyone to share

 Tip Box

Cooling - Once the dough is in the electric mixer bow, you can either leave it to cool (so your able to touch the bottom of the bowl without burning your finger) or start to beat it on a low heat until it cools down enough.

Add parmesan & rosemary - 1) When mixing theses in, don’t over mix. ix just enough to combine

2) Changing the flavour of the puffs is easy. If you don’t like parmesan and rosemary leave it out or try different flavours.

 Eggs - 1) Beating the eggs together before adding them means they are a little easier to add.

2) Four eggs means four additions to the dough. Make sure each egg addition has been mixed in before adding the next.

  • Cooking - Cooking time will depend on the size of the choux ball and oven. Each oven is different so adjust cooking time accordingly.

  • Cooling-Before filling the puffs, make sure they are completely cold

  • For more tips to make the perfect choux pastry read the Ten Tips to the Perfect Choux Pastry

Pipe the filling in the through the hole in the bottom

Pipe the filling in the through the hole in the bottom

Apple Pie with Orange & Red Pepper

Apple Pie with Orange & Red Pepper

Gin, Rhubarb & Tomato Chicken

Gin, Rhubarb & Tomato Chicken