When I’m not developing recipes for others, writing blogs or cooking for the lovely Mr G, this is wha

Baker & Foodie Content Creator


My name is Lee, welcome to my pages. I hope we can have fun together?

When I’m not developing recipes for others, writing guest blogs, writing my own blog, or even trying to learn how to paint, I’m usually spending time with the amazing Mr G (my husband) or with my lovely daughter or my lovely son (very proud mum).

What is this all about? Great question. This site is about real cooking and baking, real recipes and real mistakes.

No filters here, (although i’d love to find a filter that can take ten years worth of laugh lines away. Just me, whats happening, and whatever cameras or phone i have to hand .

There are many things that get under my bonnet and wiggle around, one of those is food waste. If i buy ingredients specifically for a recipe, and i only need a small amount of the ingredients, i want to be able to use the rest up and not have to throw them away. My mum used to say , “Waste not Want not” is that still a saying ?

For me, waste is not just about using up all the ingredients. What about leftover food? If i’m able , i hope to give ideas as to how to use up any leftovers too.

Be Brave

Cooking isn’t hard , neither is baking, its all about being brave and being ok with making mistakes

Wild Garlic & Walnut Oat Cakes

Wild Garlic & Walnut Oat Cakes

Wild Garlic & Walnut Oat Cakes

Wild Garlic & Walnut Oat Cakes

Wild Garlic & Walnut Oat Cakes

Not something you’d think to make everyday, adding wild garlic and walnuts to oatcakes, but these are a little bit special, especially when you eat them with some great cheese.

If you’ve not tried your hand at oat cakes, forget everything you’ve heard about them being un-flavourful, difficult to make or store, or freeze for that matter.

And with only a few ingredients needed, of course wild garlic is one of those, you’ll be making and freezing them ready for all of those wine and cheese parties your planning.

Go on, Give them a go

Enjoy Your Sweet Life

Wild Garlic & Walnut Oat Cakes

What You Need

  • 100g Wilted, drained & Chopped Wild Garlic Leaves - See Tip Box

  • 500g Oats

  • 1/4 Cup Chopped Walnuts

  • 160g Olive Oil

  • 1 cup of Hot Water - See Tip Box

Rolled out in between non-stick baking parchment

Rolled out in between non-stick baking parchment

How It’s Done

  • Heat the oven to 180c

  • Add all of the ingredients together in a bowl and mix well.

  • Place the mixture onto a sheet of non-stick baking parchment, place another sheet on top of the mixture and rollout until the oat mixture is a little thicker than a £1 coin.

  • Cut out the mixture to the desired size and place the cut oat cakes onto a baking sheet which has been covered with non-stick baking parchment.

  • Place the oat cakes into the hot oven and bake for 15minutes.

  • Turn each of the oatcakes over and bake on this side for a further 10minutes.

  • Remove the tray from the oven and leave the oat cakes to cool completely on the try.

  • Use right away or store in an airtight container for 3 days .

  • You can also freeze them and take out as many as you need when you need them.

Cut out and ready for the oven

Cut out and ready for the oven

Tip Box

Wilted Wild Garlic - Place the washed wild garlic leaves into boiling water for a couple of minutes until all the leaves have wilted. Once wilted, drain them really well and chop them up roughly.

Hot water - You may need less than or more than the amount of warm water to bring the mixture together .

Ready for some cheese

Ready for some cheese

Wild Garlic & Goat Cheese Filo Pie

Wild Garlic & Goat Cheese Filo Pie

Bacon & Wild Garlic Bread

Bacon & Wild Garlic Bread