Stop Influencer Idolising Now.
Coronavirus, COVID-19, The Virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome, whatever you want to call it, its definitely upon us and about now most people will be feeling the effects of the lockdown, social distancing and having to work from home.
Which is worse for you, or are you relishing in the aloneness that this horrible living entity has brought upon us?
It’s a strange and illuminating time, I know some people who are thriving with the opportunity to stop their lives for a short while and use the time to reassess what has become for them, a bit of a merry-go-round of meetings, long distance flights, lonely hotel rooms and days away from their family.
Their thoughts are with any changes they want to make in their lives.
You know, that ever longed for and much hyped work life balance that’s constantly advertised by rich people who no longer have to work to pay the mortgage, and social influencers who are paid £1m per Instagram post, you know who you are Kardashians (other influencers available).
By the way, not that anyone is listening, but please stop enabling this family and others like them.
Please stop keeping people with no talent famous and able to get paid obscene amounts of money for wearing too much make up and being good at using face tune.
Especially now, when those who are still working to make sure that we are all safe and fed, banks still running, post still delivered and those who are sick taken care of and nurtured are still being paid insignificant amounts of money.
Most of these incredible people who are putting their health on the line, are paid a pittance, while those who are giving make-up tutorials and complaining that they’re locked up in mansions with infinity pools, tennis courts and kitchens stocked with food, earn obscene sums of money.
In the real world, some of those helping humanity are unable to get their hands on some of the basics, such as toilet roll or flour and yet still leave the house each day to do what they can to help, to do their job.
While we all, yes I include myself in this too, continue to watch and click those like buttons, subscribe to their channels and tune into their programmes, some influencers will continue to feel that they’re better and more important than those who are probably going to be caring for them or their loved ones over the next few months.
Who is to blame for their false belief? We all are.
Maybe it’s now, when the world is over run with a virus, killing thousands every day, that we should reassess what’s important and the message we want to give to our children and grandchildren about values, empathy and truth.
So Just stop it now, and begin to reassess who are the people who deserve admiration and bigger pay checks.
I know they are entertaining, but as long as you and I continue to click and like, the real influencers will still go without.
I’d love to think that when this pandemic is over, funds and resources will be directed to those I’ve already mentioned, unfortunately human nature I such that once things begin to settle down, and the weekly 8 o’clock clapping has stopped for the NHS, governments and people will quickly forget what’s important and go back to idolising those people who do little to influence the world in a way that small children should see as a role model.
Will the rolls we are valuing today be valued when life stops tipping?
I don’t think so.
We all strive for something, what it is, is as individual as fingerprints.
What is universal is that there will always be those out there who admire people with money rather than talent or skills, and those out there who are willing to earn money from letting themselves be idolised whilst believing the hype that is generated.
Just a thought
Enjoy Your Sweet Life
The Real Influencers