When I’m not developing recipes for others, writing blogs or cooking for the lovely Mr G, this is wha

Baker & Foodie Content Creator


My name is Lee, welcome to my pages. I hope we can have fun together?

When I’m not developing recipes for others, writing guest blogs, writing my own blog, or even trying to learn how to paint, I’m usually spending time with the amazing Mr G (my husband) or with my lovely daughter or my lovely son (very proud mum).

What is this all about? Great question. This site is about real cooking and baking, real recipes and real mistakes.

No filters here, (although i’d love to find a filter that can take ten years worth of laugh lines away. Just me, whats happening, and whatever cameras or phone i have to hand .

There are many things that get under my bonnet and wiggle around, one of those is food waste. If i buy ingredients specifically for a recipe, and i only need a small amount of the ingredients, i want to be able to use the rest up and not have to throw them away. My mum used to say , “Waste not Want not” is that still a saying ?

For me, waste is not just about using up all the ingredients. What about leftover food? If i’m able , i hope to give ideas as to how to use up any leftovers too.

Be Brave

Cooking isn’t hard , neither is baking, its all about being brave and being ok with making mistakes

Roasted Belly Pork Lettuce Cups with Harissa Greek Yoghurt, Celeriac Coleslaw and Pickled Mushrooms.

Roasted Belly Pork Lettuce Cups with Harissa Greek Yoghurt, Celeriac Coleslaw and Pickled Mushrooms.

Roasted Belly Pork Lettuce Cups with Harissa Greek Yoghurt, Celeriac Coleslaw and Pickled Mushrooms.

Sometimes its nice to have something fresh that doesn’t need too much preparation and is lovely to eat when it’s sunny.

This is the perfect dish with its succulent belly pork and spicy greek yoghurt. Add the crispy coleslaw and whats wrapped up in the fresh lettuce is a mouthful of yumm, but adding the pickled mushrooms makes it something extra special.

A pickled element isn’t everyones’s cup of tea, but rest assured, these will change your mind, and they’re so easy to make. The thing to remember is that the longer the mushrooms sit in the pickling liquid the stronger the pickle will be. Sounds obvious, and it is, but i suggest that if this is your first experience with a pickle, be brave. The mushrooms are just one element of this dish , and when added to the rest of the ingredients and wrapped in the crispy lettuce, it makes the perfect mouthful.

Go on, give it a go and enjoy your sweet life!

Succulent belly pork wrapped in crisp lettuce with all the trimmings

What You Need

  • 1 Iceberg lettuce – Separate the leaves, wash and dried

  • 2 tsp Maldon salt

  • Pork Belly – Bone out, scored and skin dried

  • 2 tsp Za’atar


  • ½ Celeriac – Peeled and sliced into thin strips

  • Cucumber-Deseeded and sliced into thin strips – See Tip Box

  • Apple – Cored and sliced really thinly

  • Spring Onion – Sliced thinly

  • Red Pepper – Sliced thinly

  • 200ml Rice wine vinegar

  • 100m Olive oil

  • Lime juice and zest – Split into two

Harissa Greek Yoghurt

  • 1 Pot Plain Greek Yoghurt – See Tip Box

  • 1 tsp Harissa Powder – See Tip Box

  • 1 Garlic Clove - Minced

Pickled Mushrooms

  • Chestnut Mushrooms – Cleaned and thinly sliced – See Tip Box

  • 200ml White wine vinegar

  • 1 Garlic clove - Minced

How It’s Done


  • Heat the oven to 250c

  • Mix the salt and the Za’atar together and rub over both sides of the pork

  • Place the prepared pork into an oven proof tin, place into the hot oven and cook for 30 minutes

  • Turn the heat down to 180c

  • Cook the belly pork until the skin is crispy and the pork is cooked through but still moist. - An additional 1 hr -1 hr 30 minutes - See Tip Box

  • Once cooked, set aside to cool.

  • Once the pork is cooled, remove the crackling with a sharp knife and slice the meat into thin strips. - See Tip Box

  • Set aside until needed.

Juicy belly pork


  • Place all of the ingredients into a bowl and pour half the lime juice over everything so that none of the vegetables go brown. Give it a mix

  • Place the oil, vinegar and rest of the lime juice into a small bowl

  • Whisk them together until the ingredients get a little bit cloudy – See Tip Box

  • Pour the mixture over the vegetables, give it a good mix and set it aside until needed.

 Pickled Mushrooms

  • Place the prepared mushrooms into a bowl and pour over the vinegar and minced garlic.

  • Mix everything together really well and set it aside.

  • Give it a gentle stir once in a while just to make sure that all the mushrooms get a pickle. – See Tip Box

  • Once pickled to your liking, drain them and set aside until needed.

Pickled mushroom add another dimension

 Harissa Greek Yoghurt

  • Combine all the ingredients to a bowl and mix really well – See Tip Box

An easy but super flavoursome dressing


  • Lay a lettuce leaf on a plate and layer up the coleslaw, pork, mushrooms and harissa Greek yoghurt

  • Wrap it up and take a bite

Add everything to the lettuce and wrap it up

 Tip Box

  • Harissa1) Use either powder or paste

2) Start with 1 tsp and give it a taste before adding more. It can be spicy

  • Mushrooms – 1) Don’t wash the mushrooms, they are very absorbent. Wipe them down with a damp kitchen towel and make sure they are dry.

2) Keep an eye on the mushrooms as they pickle. They very quickly go from “they taste good” to “wow, my mouth”

  • Cucumber – Leave the skin on the cucumber. Scoop out the seeds from middle of the cucumber before you slice it very thinly

  • Dressing – Whisking the oil, vinegar and lime juice together

  • Cracking - Don’t waste the crackling - chop it into strips and serve it on the side

  • Cooking the pork - All ovens are different so adjust the cooking tome accordingly

Crispy Fried Cauliflower with Sweet Chilli Dipping Sauce

Crispy Fried Cauliflower with Sweet Chilli Dipping Sauce

Cider Dressed Potato Salad

Cider Dressed Potato Salad