Felicity Spector - No cooking, Just Chat About Great British Food Awards
Felicity Spector journalist & judge for Great British TasteAwards
Felicity Spector, this week’s Foodie Book Clubs Lockdown Lunches has a full-time job as a national television journalist.
What she hasn’t covered in her 30 years in journalism you could probably count on one hand.
Ever wanted to meet someone who covered President Obamas inauguration?
Felicity is the lady to talk to.
So, it may surprise some to know how much of a foodie Felicity is in her spare time.
A top food influencer, with more than 101, 000 followers on Instagram and a judge for the Great British Taste Awards
“I was inspired to start writing about food by the sheer love of it.” Said Felicity.
“I kept meeting fantastic producers and chefs through my links with the Great Taste Awards and wanted to write about them.”
Felicity has been a television journalist since 1989, covering all sorts of world events from the fall of Soviet communism to the US elections, a regular writer for publications including the Telegraph and the Guardian, and has been a judge for the Great Taste Awards for the last eight years.
What does she like most of all?
Desserts of course, with a special love of crumble and Jewish baked cheesecake and give her unlimited custard and she’s in pudding heaven.
Not only has she got the coolest name I’ve ever heard, Felicity Spector, a name that should be used for a 007 love link, Felicity is smart too.
First class degrees in politics, philosophy, and economics went to Cambridge and is a Harvard graduate.
How did she get to be a foodie influencer?
“About 10 years ago, I was writing some business stories. It was a bit tedious — all the normal businessman types — so I thought I’d look for some women entrepreneurs. There seemed to be a lot of women setting up food businesses. Some who’d diversified from farms which had been hit by foot and mouth. I went to the first Real Food Festival, a huge business show for small businesses at Earls Court, met some of the producers and was really inspired by writing about them.”
A good a reason as any.
“No one at work was really interested in food — there was no one I could go for a meal with and I wanted to try new restaurants. My friends from university had moved away and there wasn’t anyone I really knew.”
Initially taking photos on her iPad, Felicity said that when she first started taking it to restaurants, she had no idea how to take a photograph so a lot of them had huge shadows. Said felicity.
“I eventually bought myself an iPhone and got a bit more sophisticated.”
When talking to her about the Great British Taste Awards, Felicity has passion in her voice for all the good the awards do for those companies who work really hard to get their fabulous products into the world and recognised as something with amazing taste.
“Any food or drink producer can enter and be judged, and if they win, it can be a very powerful thing for a new company” Says Felicity about winning.
“The people behind the Great British Taste awards offer support in areas such as marketing so winners can use the award for the best”
Go and watch Felicity chat about this and others things on Foodie Book Clubs YouTube channel, and follow her on her social media sites, just click the links here to find her.
Felicity Spector, Socia Media